I would just like to take a minute to point out the merits of having a uniform. So if anyone cruises by my blog who still attends
SMUS you may or may not get this, but i would just like to say enjoy them while you can. I remember in my days as a ninth grader I couldn't wait to put on my "civilian clothes" on a "grub day", but by the time I was in 12th grade i realized that the good times were not going to last much longer and wanted to wear my uniform as much as I could. I wish I could still put the good old kilt, button down shirt, tie, and knee socks everyday. And its not even because I am kinky because trust me I am not. It's because I am lazy.My final words would be enjoy! For the people who never got to enjoy it here are a few photos to illustrate my point.
You can definitely enjoy good times in them.
They were cute enough.
You could dress them down.
Side note the only thing you ever really envied about a person was if they had better knee socks or tights than you. I think that's pretty great especially cause they are both pretty affordable things to want.

Great for future parties.Jams From The Uniform Days
The Blog's called out of the blue get in the spirit.
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