Monday, May 17, 2010

How to Bring Sunshine Into Your Nights

Found this book in my house. It's from 1942 and it's pretty epic. It has answers to questions i never really thought about and covers important topics such as "Bed Manners On a Friend's Yacht" and"Bed Manners in a Haunted House". It also has some pretty neat line drawings.

"The first rule is: Wear correct clothes in bed, or none at all. Our ancestors either went to bed with all their clothes on, or else they went to bed raw."

"Q. What are fashionable topics to discuss in bed?
A. The morals, or lack of morals, of your neighbors; the bad manners of their children. These are all safe and reliable themes."

Tips for camping:
"If you have picked yourself a nest of roots for your bed, don't twitch and groan all night. Focus on two things. First, everyone else is equally uncomfortable. Second it's only going to last one night. After that, vow to never make such an ass of yourself again. Then remember your vow and put an end to these camping party articles forever."

"Never talk about money until after breakfast. It is even more important not to mention the lack of it on an empty stomach."

Found this note to my dad in it... hmmmm yuck!

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